Here is a Bourne Shell script that I use to automatically cut the first and the last 15 seconds of mp3 files. Indeed I download mp3 podcast which include advertising at the beginning and at the end of the file.
#! /bin/bash # version 1.0 # 2018.10.27 first version #--------------------------------------------------- # this script automatically cut mp3 audio files # needs mediainfo to work #--------------------------------------------------- ## If no arguments found option_found=0 #Functions FunctionDuration() { duration_source=$(mediainfo "$1" | grep Duration | head -n 1 | cut -d ":" -f2 | sed 's/[a-z]//g' | tr -s ' ' | sed -e 's/^\s//' -e 's/\s$//' -e 's/\s/:/g') #get the duration thanks to mediainfo command duration_temp=$(date -d "1983-12-12 00:$duration_source" +%s) #create a fake date, here only $duration_source is important duration_diff=$(( (duration_temp - 15) )) duration_dest=$(date -d"@$duration_diff" "+%M:%S") #calculate the new time thanks to date command } usage() { echo "usage: ./ -d [DIRECTORY_TO_WORK]" echo "ex : ./ -d /tmp/mp3/" echo "" exit 3 } while getopts d: OPTNAME; do case "$OPTNAME" in d) ROOT="$OPTARG" option_found=1 ;; *) usage ;; esac done if [ "$option_found" -eq "0" ] || [ -d "ROOT" ] ; then usage fi FOLDER=$(echo "$ROOT" | sed 's/\/$//') #remove "/" if present at the end of the ROOT variable cd "$ROOT" #go to the destination folder rc=$?; if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR : directory doesn't exist"; exit $rc; fi #exit if directory is not found for i in *3; do #for each mp3 file i="${i%.[mM][Pp]3}" #we remove .mp3 from the file name ffmpeg -y -ss 15 -i "$i".[mM][Pp]3 -acodec copy -async 1 "$i"_NEW.mp3 #we cut 15 s from the beginning and create temporary NEW files FunctionDuration "$i"_NEW.mp3 #We call FunctionDuration funtion to get the mm:ss information ffmpeg -y -t "$duration_dest" -i "$i"_NEW.mp3 -acodec copy -async 1 "$i".mp3 #we remove 15 s from the end and replace the original file rm "$i"_NEW.mp3; rm "$i".MP3 #we remove the temporary NEW files done
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