It's quite common to have synchronization problems with subtitles files. Indeed, very often the subtitle file is not adapted to our source video file. So we usually have a delay that goes from a few milliseconds to a few seconds which can be quite annoying when playing.
It's possible, with most players (vlc, mpv or mplayer); see here; to adjust the delay, but the configuration will be lost at the next playback. So it is more interesting to be able to adjust by directly modifying the subtitle file.
I already developed a script in bash to do just that, but I wanted to do it in Python so here it is.
user@host:~$ ./ [srt file] [+/- time]
user@host:~$ ./ -h
usage: /movies/ -1.400
add/subtract delay on a srt file
positional arguments:
file srt file path
delay delay in seconds with 0.000 format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
user@host:~$ ./ /home/std/ -0.400
user@host:~$ ./ /home/std/ 1.400
Note : The new srt file will be wrote in the same folder than source srt file with "" suffix.
01:55:12,527 --> 01:55:14,461
I love you.
01:55:20,735 --> 01:55:22,669
I really love you.
#! /usr/bin/python
# Role : Add or subtract delay to a srt file
# Author :
# 1.0 first version
import argparse
import re, sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import shutil
from tempfile import mkstemp
from os import path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='add/subtract delay on a srt file',prog='', usage='%(prog)s /movies/ -1.400')
parser.add_argument('file', help='srt file path')
parser.add_argument('delay', help='delay in seconds with 0.000 format')
args = parser.parse_args()
def timeop (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, delay):
"function which add or subtract delayed time then return result"
time_src = datetime(year=1983, month=12, day=12, hour=int(hours), minute=int(minutes), second=int(seconds), microsecond=int(milliseconds)).timestamp()
result = time_src + delay
return result
delay = float(args.delay)
print("Error, float argument needed.")
if not path.exists(args.file):
print("Error, file doesn't exist.")
fs = open(args.file, 'r') #open srt file, read mode
fd, name = mkstemp() #returns a tuple containing an OS-level handle to an open file and the absolute pathname of that file, in that order.
fout = open(name, 'w') #open temp file, write mode
while 1:
txt = fs.readline()
if re.match(".*-->.*", txt): #if ".*-->.*" characters is in current line
seq=txt.split(" --> ")
hours_start, minutes_start, seconds_start = seq[0].split(":")
hours_start = hours_start[-1:]
seconds_start, milliseconds_start = seconds_start.split(",")
milliseconds_start = int(milliseconds_start) * 1000
new_start = timeop(hours_start, minutes_start, seconds_start, milliseconds_start, delay)
hours_end, minutes_end, seconds_end = seq[1].split(":")
hours_end = hours_end[-1:]
seconds_end, milliseconds_end = seconds_end.split(",")
milliseconds_end = int(milliseconds_end) * 1000
new_end = timeop(hours_end, minutes_end, seconds_end, milliseconds_end, delay)
txt = re.sub(seq[0], datetime.fromtimestamp(new_start).strftime('%H:%M:%S,%f')[:-3], txt)
txt = re.sub(seq[1], datetime.fromtimestamp(new_end).strftime('%H:%M:%S,%f')[:-3], txt) + "\n"
fout.write(txt) #write to tmp file
fout.write(txt) #write to tmp file
if txt == "":
fout.close() #close tmp file
shutil.move(name, args.file.split(".srt")[0] + "") #copy tmp file to
fs.close() #close srt file
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