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How to remove the Samsung Printer Experience App?


My work computer is installed with a Windows 10 OS (sorry…).

I recently had the unpleasant surprise to see software installed without my consent : the Samsung Printer Experience App.

Windows 10 | Start menu, Samsung Printer Experience icon

So, as I : don't want it, don't need it, I will show here what I've done to remove it.


  • First we need to open a PowerShell admin console :
Windows 10 | Start a PowerShell admin console
  • Lets search for samsung app :
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | ? { $_.Name -match "samsung" }
  • Found it! :
Windows 10 | PowerShell get-appxpackage command.


  • Now that we have the complete name : SAMSUNGELECTRONICSCO.LTD.SamsungPrinterExperience, we can serenely remove the WinApp :
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | ? { $_.Name -match "SAMSUNGELECTRONICSCO.LTD.SamsungPrinterExperience" } | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers
  • That's it! :
Windows 10 | PowerShell remove-appxpackage
Windows 10 | PowerShell get-appxpackage command.
Armour of God 2 | Bye Bye gif

Update : Lexmark Printer Home

Windows 10 | Start menu, Lexmark Printer Home

Like with Samsung Printer Experience a new application came out of nowhere : Lexmark Printer Home, so lets apply the same method.

Britney Spears | I did it again gif
  • Lets search for lexmark app :
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | ? { $_.Name -match "lexmark" }
  • Bingo! :
Windows 10 | PowerShell get-appxpackage command.


  • Now that we have the complete name : 58539F3C.LexmarkPrinterHome, we can serenely remove the WinApp :
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | ? { $_.Name -match "58539F3C.LexmarkPrinterHome" } | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers
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