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List Inactive Computers and Users in an Active Directory Domain

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Over time, in an Active Directory, it becomes inevitable to end up with parasitic computers and users objects. By parasites, I simply mean that they are no longer used in the company (computers and/or users physically destroyed, stolen, lost, gone etc…).

In this case, it may be worth cleaning up our Active Directory, but the question is: how do we get a list of computers and users no longer in use in an AD domain?

The aim of this article is to show yo how to obtain a list of computers and/or users who have not logged on to the domain for a predefined number of days, using PowerShell.

Get the list of AD users or computers

The first thing you need to know is how to obtain a list of AD users or computers.

  • From a Domain Controller, open a Windows PowerShell console with administrator rights:
PowerShell | Open PowerShell Console as administrator

List Computers

  • Enter this command to get all computers:
PS C:\ > (Get-ADComputer -Filter '*').Name
  • Enter this command to get all computers whose name begins with PC:
PS C:\ > (Get-ADComputer -Filter 'Name -Like "PC*"').Name
  • Example:
PowerShell | get computers name

List Users

  • Enter this command to get all the users:
PS C:\ > (Get-ADUser -Filter '*').SamAccountName
  • Example:
PowerShell | get users name

Get AD Users or Computers LastLogon

  • To find out when the object was last seen, we'll use the LastLogonTimeStamp property:
PS C:\ > $user = "e.cartman" PS C:\ > Get-ADUser "$user" -Properties LastLogonTimeStamp
  • Example:
PowerShell | Get-ADUser and Get-ADComputer output
  • As we can see, we can't use the raw information retrieved. We need to use [DateTime]::FromFileTime to convert them into a human-readable format:
PS C:\ > [DateTime]::FromFileTime((Get-ADUser "$user" -Properties LastLogonTimeStamp).LastLogonTimeStamp)
  • Which is better:
PowerShell | Print LastLogon date


We now have everything we need to compile a list of our computers or users.

  • Let's say we want a list of Computers that haven't been seen in 120 days:
PS C:\ > $days = 120 PS C:\ > Get-ADComputer -Filter '*' -Properties LastLogonTimeStamp | where { ($(Get-Date)-[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)).Days -gt $days } | Select-Object Name PowerShell | List old computers objects
  • Let's say we want a list of Users that haven't been seen in 120 days:
PS C:\ > $days = 120 PS C:\ > Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties LastLogonTimeStamp | where { ($(Get-Date)-[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogonTimeStamp)).Days -gt $days } | Select-Object Name PowerShell | List old users account


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