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How to Check DFS replication state

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  • OS: Windows Server

From a Windows server, it's not so easy to check the status of DFS replication. As far as I know, there is no graphical window that provides this king of information. So, after some research, I discovered that we could get information from the command line.

dfsrdiag command


  • /SMem: The DNS name of the sender.
  • /RMem: The DNS name of the receiver.
  • /RGName: Replication group name.
  • /RFName: Replication folder name.

Graphical representation

  • To make things a little clearer, the correspondence between the dfs manager and the options:
Screenshot of DFS Management showing the Rep_Folder replication group and a command prompt running dfsrdiag backlog command for SRV02, highlighting parameters such as RGName and RFName to display backlog details.


  • Know the number of files to replicate from SRV01 to SRV02:
C:\Users\Administrator> dfsrdiag backlog /SMem:SRV01 /RGName:Rep_Folder /RFName:share /RMem:SRV02
  • Display current updates for a specific server:
C:\Users\Administrator> dfsrdiag replicationstate /Mem:srv01
  • Display current updates for all servers:
C:\Users\Administrator> dfsrdiag replicationstate /all
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