Nowadays, it's quite common to see RDS environments in companies. Generally speaking, for small organizations (fewer than 30 users), a single server is sufficient. However, in the case of larger numbers of simultaneous users, performance issues may arise despite increasing hardware resources. Upgrading the architecture as the number of users increases can also prove complicated.
Therefore, if you want to implement a scalable solution capable of handling a significantly high number of simultaneous connections, it becomes necessary to set up an RDS Farm. This involves separation of various services (broker, license server, session host, etc.…) on several servers. It also allows you to create a pool of RD Session Host servers to distribute the user load among the various hosts. In the following article, we'll explore this setup in detail.
Here's the architecture that we'll be implementing.
We can install our RDS architecture from the PowerShell command line or from the graphical interface.
PS C:\> Add-WindowsFeature -Name RDS-Connection-Broker,RDS-Licensing,RDS-RD-Server -IncludeManagementTools -Restart
PS C:\> Import-Module RemoteDesktop
PS C:\> New-RDSessionDeployment -ConnectionBroker broker.std.local -WebAccessServer broker.std.local -SessionHost rds01.std.local
Once installation is complete, we need to configure our RDS farm.
There is another way to informing the server of the collection to which we want to connect. It involves customizing an RDP icon. The easiest way to do this is to edit an RDP file with Notepad.
Once open, check wether you already have lines containing: "loadbalanceinfo," "full address," "gatewayhostname," "use redirection server name," or "alternate full address." If so, delete these lines.
loadbalanceinfo:s:tsv://MS Terminal Services Plugin.1.RDSFarm
full address:s:broker.std.local
use redirection server name:i:1
alternate full address:s:broker.std.local
Save the modified file and open the RDP icon.
As explained above, the broker's job is to distribute users randomly among the various session host servers. The aim is to balance the load of all user sessions. However, as an administrateur, for example when installing new software, it can be useful to be able to choose which server to connect to. The architecture of the ferme RDS makes this possible.
mstsc /v: /admin
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