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PowerShell script to monitor the CPU, memory and disk usage

I use a custom PowerShell script to monitor some servers' CPU, memory, and disk usage. The script runs every minute via the Windows Task Scheduler and generates a CSV file from which I can analyze to identify performance issues.

PowerShell Script

########################### # author : # version : 1.0 # date : 2023.05.08 # role : monitor cpu, memory and disk usage # other : Tested on Windows 2019 Server #get current date $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy.MM.dd_H:m" #The script will saved collected informations to C:\Monitoring\ to a YYYY.MM_monitor_result.csv file $csv_file = "C:\Monitoring\" + $(Get-Date -Format "yyyy.MM_") + "monitor_result.csv" ##### #CPU# ##### #Note : Use "Get-Counter -ListSet *" to get all available counters #Get cpu usage #FR : #$cpu = (Get-Counter '\Processeur(_Total)\% temps processeur').CounterSamples.CookedValue #EN : $cpu = (Get-Counter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time').CounterSamples.CookedValue $cpu = [math]::round($cpu,2) ######## #MEMORY# ######## #Get memory usage #FR : #$mem = (Get-Counter '\mémoire\mégaoctets disponibles').CounterSamples.CookedValue #EN : $mem = (Get-Counter '\Memory\Available MBytes').CounterSamples.CookedValue ###### #DISK# ###### #Get every C: disk Infos $disk = (Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "C*"}) $disk_queue = $disk.CurrentDiskQueueLength $DBytes = $disk.DiskBytesPerSec $DRead = $disk.DiskReadBytesPerSec $DWrite = $disk.DiskWriteBytesPerSec #Create csv file if (!$(Test-Path -Path $csv_file)) { #if the file doesn't exist, create it with csv columns id 'date,cpu,mem,disk_kbytes,disk_reads,disk_writes,disk_queue' | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $csv_file } else { #otherwise, add collected values $date + "," + $cpu.ToString().replace(",",".") + "," + $mem.ToString() + "," + ($DBytes /1000) + "," + ($DRead /1000) + "," + ($DWrite /1000) + "," + $disk_queue | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $csv_file -Append }

Follow this link to create a Windows task in order to run the script periodically.


Using the generated CSV file, we can create elegant graphics of this type.

Screenshot of a Calc spreadsheet with CPU and memory usage graphs from a CSV file.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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