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My Personal Notes on Microsoft Active Directory: Commands, Configuration, and Best Practices

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I'll put here any notes I have on Active Directory. This will be a reminder for me, but I hope it will also be useful for others. Happy reading!

DNS Configuration

I can never remember the DNS definition order.

Suppose we have two AD servers:

  • SRVAD1:
  • SRVAD2:

What should be the correct DNS configuration? The answer is:

IPv4 properties window showing DNS configurations for two Active Directory servers, SRVAD1 and SRVAD2, with their respective IP addresses and preferred DNS servers.



  • Analyzes the status of domain controllers and reports any problems to facilitate troubleshooting:
PS C:\ > dcdiag
  • Run dns, replications or netlogons tests only:
PS C:\ > dcdiag /test:dns PS C:\ > dcdiag /test:replications PS C:\ > dcdiag /test:netlogons
  • Display replication status:
PS C:\ > repadmin /showrepl
  • Identifies Domain Controllers whose inbound or outbound replication has failed and summarizes the results in a report:
PS C:\ > repadmin /replsum


  • Synchronize a Domain Controller with all its replication partners:
PS C:\ > repadmin /syncall

Move fsmo roles

  • Displays the current list of Operations Master Role holders and their associates servers:
PS C:\ > netdom query /domain:std.local fsmo PowerShell output showing the FSMO roles query results for the domain std.local, listing Schema Master, Domain Naming Master, PDC, RID Pool Manager, and Infrastructure Master.

Dos method (old)

PS C:\ > ntdsutil ntdsutil: ntdsutil: roles fsmo maintenance: fsmo maintenance: connections server connections:server connections: connect to server SRVAD Binding to ad ... Connected to ad using credentials of locally logged on user. server connections: server connections: q fsmo maintenance: Transfer naming master Transfer infrastructure master Transfer PDC Transfer RID master Transfer schema master PowerShell output showing the use of the ntdsutil tool to connect to a server and transfer FSMO roles such as PDC and Infrastructure Master.

PowerShell method (New) :

  • Check current configuration:
PS C:\ > Get-ADDomainController -Server SRVAD | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OperationMasterRoles PS C:\ > Get-ADForest std.local -Server SRVAD | format-list schemamaster,domainnamingmaster
  • Transfer FSMO roles in a single command:
PS C:\ > Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole -Identity SRVAD -OperationMasterRole pdcemulator,ridmaster,infrastructuremaster,schemamaster,domainnamingmaster

Rename DC

⚠️ Renaming a DC is a sensitive operation, so make sure you have at least one backup and/or a second domain controller before making any changes. ⚠️


  • Lists the primary name or any alternate name:
PS C:\ > Netdom computername SRVAD /ENUMerate
  • Checks wether a DNS record and a service principal name (SPN) exist for a computer name:
PS C:\ > Netdom computername SRVAD /verify

Fast but not very reliable

Here, we directly request the name change; if the process fails, we can brick our DC.

  • Rename the DC:
PS C:\ > netdom renamecomputer SRVOLD /NewName:SRVAD

Slow but safer

Here, we add a secondary name first; if the process fails, we still have a valid name that should work.

  • Add a secondary name:
PS C:\ > Netdom computername SRVAD /add:SRVAD2.std.local
  • Make the secondary name the primary name:
PS C:\ > Netdom computername SRVAD /makeprimary:SRVAD2.std.local
  • Remove old name:
PS C:\ > Netdom computername SRVAD2 /remove:SRVAD.std.local

Hardening Active Directory

In its default configuration, Active Directory is not really secure. To strengthen its configuration, we can use the PingCastle tool.

Ping Castle download page showing a MacBook with an Active Directory report and a highlighted 'Download' button for version
  • Unzip and double-click PingCastle.exe to launch the tool:
Folder view showing the Ping Castle application file highlighted in the downloaded PingCastle_2.10.0.0 directory with accompanying files like PDF, config, and updater.
  • Press Enter to check the score:
Ping Castle command-line interface highlighting the option to perform a healthcheck to score the risk of a domain in an Active Directory environment.
  • Press Enter to investigate:
Ping Castle command-line interface prompting the user to select a domain or server for investigation, with a default domain of std.local.
  • When finished, press Enter to close the command prompt:
Ping Castle command-line interface showing the completion of a security analysis for the domain std.local, with steps such as gathering data and generating reports.
  • Return to the unzipped folder and open the html report:
File explorer view showing the Ping Castle folder with the generated HTML report for the domain std.local highlighted, alongside other files like XML and PDF reports.
  • Read the html report to correct any weaknesses:
Ping Castle healthcheck report for the domain std.local, showing the date, engine version, and Active Directory risk indicators with a score of 65/100.
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