I was recently asked to deploy the brand-new SentinelOne antivirus of the death from hell that kills XDR (for Extended Detection and Response) in a Windows Workstation environment…
If you haven't seen the movie, it's a security tool that uses an AI engine to prevent, detect and respond to software threats.
As you can see, it's "blah blah blah" amazing, but how to deploy it? Well, I couldn't find a predefined method for deploying it on a large scale.
So I had to find a way to do it… Let's see how I did it!
When the msi is launched, the SentinelOne installation program requests a token.
Because of this, you can't use the traditional msi software deployment via GPO for this installation. (I even tried, unsuccessfully, a solution with Orca (see here: https://docs.microsoft.com/) to add the token property.).
C:\>msiexec /i "SentinelInstaller_windows.msi" /q /norestart SITE_TOKEN="ps3GpmsPqogCBKF0ANnRhmUVptppZlKPMncnl2CGNG6cbaHia3yRHw6aWRb12AeDSj5NpabG1T4A6XPWzOsHt62jAgwK8IL5l0JibeWa"
This is the command we'll use in our installation script.
@echo off
REM check if "HKLM\Software\Sentinel Labs" registry key is present
reg query "HKLM\Software\Sentinel Labs"
REM if "HKLM\Software\Sentinel Labs" registry key is present, it means that sentinel has already been installed on this host, so go to the INSTALLED switch of the script
REM Copy SentinelInstaller_windows.msi installer from SYSVOL share to local TEMP folder WORKSTATION
copy \\std\sysvol\std.local\scripts\SentinelOne\SentinelInstaller_windows.msi c:\windows\temp\ /Z /Y
REM install msi package
msiexec /i "c:\windows\temp\SentinelInstaller_windows.msi" /q /norestart SITE_TOKEN="ps3GpmsPqogCBKF0ANnRhmUVptppZlKPMncnl2CGNG6cbaHia3yRHw6aWRb12AeDSj5NpabG1T4A6XPWzOsHt62jAgwK8IL5l0JibeWa"
REM if install is ok go to OK switch
IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto OK
REM if install fails go to ERROR switch
goto ERROR
echo "Already Installed"
goto END
echo "Install Error"
goto END
echo "Install OK"
We're going to create a GPO that will run the installation script when our computers start up.
And that's all…
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